Final Community Dinner
Here s a short video from our final community dinner in June of 2022
Please watch this important message…
Our team is growing and the City of Phoenix will train them for us!
This week we welcome a guest chef whose specialty is her native food – Thai. We are excited for her to make a Green Curry for you. Welcome chef Wattanee! We are pleased to also introduce Cody to you who will wear many hats in the kitchen. Last week he prepped, made...

New Year Update
Best wishes to you for this New Year! Many of us are pondering what lies ahead. For us at Community Cuisine, we know where we want to go. Still, there remain many things to figure out to actually arrive there. There is a lot to do for us in 2022 and we count on your...

Thank you for the Nourishing Packages you purchased
Thank you also to those who have bought Nourish Packages for others. We have kept track of how many we gave away and how many were not used. For that unused amount, we are sending provisions to the Navajo Nation in this time of giving thanks. Our chef Mario will buy...

So what’s new at Community Cuisine?
So what’s new at Community Cuisine? We’d like to introduce our new staff members Ellie, Lexi, and Ana. They sound like fairytale characters, don’t they? Or is it just to us because it’s a miracle they became part of our team! You have probably heard of the hiring...

Watch Your Carbs!
Watch Your Carbs! Some fun menu items this week are – Quinoa White Bean Tabouli, a true summer dish, but be aware, it’s very garlicky! Then there is Mesir Wat, an Ethiopian red lentil curry also with plenty of garlic, plus ginger and paprika, definitely very flavorful...

The Nourish Package and Special Programs…
The Nourish Package and Special Programs... We are aware that access to nutritious and tasty food like ours is not available to everyone, we wanted to come up with something that helps out, even if only on a very small scale....

Praise to the Green Soup
Oh, Green Soup, how shall we sing your praises? Maybe we should start with a disclaimer: some of you will not like it (if you have a childhood spinach trauma, or don’t like the taste of greens, or don’t like pureed food, for example.) But those of you who are into...

Neatballs and more…
Thank you so much for responding to our last email and post in various ways! We are taking all of your comments to heart and some of it to the stove – some of you will find dishes on the menu you wanted to have again. Your input also played a role in our new dish this...