This week we welcome a guest chef whose specialty is her native food – Thai. We are excited for her to make a Green Curry for you. Welcome chef Wattanee!

We are pleased to also introduce Cody to you who will wear many hats in the kitchen. Last week he prepped, made the complete meal jar for you, and filled jars. He fits right in with our team and will be invaluable in our transition to a worker-owned co-op as he also brings a few years of HR experience. Welcome, Cody!

We are encouraged in our path by an initiative that the City of Phoenix supports. A grant was given to a local consulting firm to run a free training program for residents of the City of Phoenix who want to start or participate in a worker-owned co-op. This program is specifically for new or existing food businesses that are focusing on sustainable practices. We would love for you to take a look and pass this opportunity on to anyone you know who might be interested:

As things move forward for us on a business level, we remain committed to feeding you well. This is how this looks like this week:

Mario will make your soups and desserts, as usual (Tomato Cabbage Soup and Curried Golden Split Pea, for dessert Zucchini Bread and Lemon Basil Cookies).

Joel will make your Very Veggie Fried Rice and your Loaf Dish as well as your Salads. He has Lexi to help him with Monday’s salads. The two of them chop your fresh veggies for salads on Monday to assure maximum freshness. 

Lexi also fills jars and packs bags. We really appreciate her attention to detail and accuracy. Lexi loves animals and vegan cuisine. Hopefully, she will be able to work more hours at Community Cuisine in the near future.  

Cody will cook the Morrocan Jar and make the Raw Falafel under Ingrid’s supervision.

Aaron will sanitize your jars, measure and soak your legumes, wash your greens, and as we have extra lemons (thank you Joy!) he will devote a couple of hours to zesting them, so we can freeze the zest (only used in cooked dishes. In salad dressing we always use fresh zest). He also keeps us all on track and keeps our walk-in tidy (not as easy as it sounds).

Ben will wash a mountain of dishes getting a break when we need him to peel carrots. BTW, he loves the Umami Dressing and is in general a very good food critic.

And when it’s all almost done the Lynn, Lynne, and Kathy come in to package and deliver.

That’s what we do. Thank you for allowing us to cook for you.