So what’s new at Community Cuisine?

We’d like to introduce our new staff members Ellie, Lexi, and Ana. They sound like fairytale characters, don’t they? Or is it just to us because it’s a miracle they became part of our team! You have probably heard of the hiring challenges hospitality businesses experience these days, so we are really lucky that we found these three young ladies, who actually found us. They were looking for some part-time work in a vegan company that shared their values – and that was us. Ellie is working on her Master’s degree in the medical field, Lexie is an artist and aspiring vegan chef and Ana works in a nonprofit and wants to learn more about vegan cooking. They do prepping and packaging and other support tasks around the kitchen. Some of you may meet Lexi soon when she fills in for Daniel on Monday afternoons in customer service.

Ben continues to be our jolly dishwasher – we mentioned his gregarious nature before, it can’t be overstated how nice it is to have someone who washed dishes for hours to also entertain you! And Kathy, Lynn (without e), and Lynne (with e) remain to be our ladies on the road doing deliveries, Lynne with an e also does shopping. Besides giving good advice in final tasting, they Lynn(e)s fill your jars and pack your bags very efficiently.

Joel and Mario are the two legs the kitchen stands on, they are our main chefs. However, Aaron is equally important as the man behind the scenes. He wears many hats and is starting to fill in for Ingrid in the kitchen management role (he also has the patience to clean the above-mentioned endless amounts of romaine on Sunday afternoon).

Ingrid and Daniel are triple grandparents now and cannot stay away too long from these sweet beings, so they are enormously grateful for the team to take over some weekends when they go away to see the grandkids.

It is important to us that you get to know us a little bit (as we like to get to know you).

In our reading about healthy food, we stumbled upon a presentation about heart health by Dr. Mimi Guaneri, an accomplished cardiologist who includes holistic elements in her approach. She talked about how the material aspects as the right oils, whole foods, flax and chia seed, exercise, etc. are not enough to keep your heart healthy. We also need heartfelt connections that we nurture in our livesIn this sense, we invite you to be personal with us. Tell us about your needs, ask the questions you have. We are available and for those who are picking up on person – Daniel is always up for a chat (especially Mondays for those who lick up their food from the kitchen)!

Thank you for being our wonderful customers.
We appreciate you and enjoy being of service to you.